Friday, December 15, 2006

Now What?

As of 12:01pm today, I am on temporary layoff for 3 weeks. The nursery that I work at shuts down over the X-mas/New Year holidays. Fortunately, I have a few connections around where I can make up a few hours. I will have to go in to work a few times to spot-check our propagation areas and greenhouse. Other than that, I will be helping a brother-in-law put steel on a big warehouse nearby. By the way, going in to check the nursery isn't so bad as I live about 3 minutes away by bicycle. My other options will be: work for a brother, installing benches for Gerbera production, or helping another brother who is starting his own cut flower wholesale company with his new straight-truck.
Obviously we don't live in a city! (thank goodness) With so little on my plate in the near future, I will undoubtedly be hanging out at home with the fam!

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