Monday, January 22, 2007

First Aid Training

This morning I started my 2 day training of First Aid.
The nursery that I work for sent myself and a coworker to maintain enough trained staff in the nursery in case of emergency. (I like to think it's in our best interest, however, I am not sure I would want some {any} of my co-workers to apply CPR on me!!)

Our class started at 8:30 and ran until 4:00. We had a 15 minute break at 9:45.
Lunch time from 11:45 until 12:45.
Break at 2:45.
From 3:00 on, a written test (multiple choice) on what we have learned so far.
If memory serves me right, we left at 3:25.

There were a total of 16 people in my class, and of course some catch on quicker than others. It makes for a longish day. Our instructor is great, though, and has lots of personal experience stories. These people really do save lives.

Today we covered the basics.
  • Emergency Scene Management
  • Shock
  • Choking (Adult)
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Severe Bleeding
  • Medical Conditions and
  • Wound Care
There is a lot to learn, and I know I won't be a doctor, but I feel better about knowing the first steps. I was even commenting to C a few weeks ago that I would like a refresher course. At least this one was paid for!

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