Saturday, March 31, 2007

Another Week

This week at work was a nice warm up of things to come. A little bit of shipping, planting, pruning, spacing and tagging.

Our last crew of Mexicans landed Wednesday morning early, and started work on Friday. We are now at decent staff, so efficiency is up. For instance, on Monday, we would plant 1 gallon pots until our wagons were full.(just over 200 pots per wagon) With four sets of three wagons and tractors. Once the wagons were full, we would take them out to the nursery. Now with a full crew, we only stop for breaks. There is enough people to unload as fast as we can plant so it is a very smooth rotation.

We also shipped out about three 53' trailers throughout the week. Next week looks to be picking up already, with one trailer for sure so far on Monday. I've heard sales look good for this year, so we will be re-planting as fast as we can ship.

I'm just happy I live close enough to work that I can see my family at lunch! It may be the only time for the next while, except for family day Sunday!

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