Friday, January 26, 2007

Cut Tulips

Last night I received an odd phone call.

Hold on, lets back it up a little bit.

A couple of weeks ago, we were on a three week layoff at the nursery. I helped my one brother with his truck in the evenings, but most of my time was in the greenhouse.

While I was doing assorted greenhouse jobs, (painting pipes, installing benches, etc.) I ran into another tradesman. Case. He is a professional shading installer straight out of Holland. We got to talking, and we got along great. I told him of my various experience in the flora culture industry, and he told me of his experience in the shady side of it.

Last night I found out that his wife works about 20 minutes away from here, in a greenhouse that produces cut tulips. It turns out, Case told his wife about me, and she in turn talked with her boss. He is looking for a grower. He called me. Tomorrow I have an interview with him just to see what is all involved. I told him right off the bat that I am happy where I currently am, but if the money and incentives are right...

That is all I can really say for now, but be assured, I will post about the results tomorrow. I also plan on taking some pictures. I have never seen a hydroponic tulip farm before! C has her own take on this story. I guess it really does matter what you know, not only who.

Wish me luck!!!!

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