Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Home Alone :(

This afternoon I drove my wife and kids to the airport. They are on their way to visit grampa and gramma in Saskatchewan. Grampa and gramma are ecstatic about the visit, phone calls and pictures are only so good. Even uncle Lance and Catherine are planning to meet up on the weekend. Now for some great one-on-one time at their reunion! C. is also excited to head west. She is a natural born prairie girl, and always talks of the land of living skies.

This is the first time that I wasn't there on the plane to help with the kids. I can only hope that they are well behaved for her. A three year old and 18 month old can be a handful in the backyard, let alone a confined aircraft. On the plus side, our children are usually very well mannered, polite and obedient. Of course the phrase "monkey see, monkey do" comes to mind. If H1 can do it, so can H2. That being said, I hope H1 listens to mom so H2 can follow suit.

I, on the other hand, am staying to watch the home front. And working. Oh ya, and biking!! I have had numerous invites from co-workers and family to keep myself occupied. And of course the daily phone calls from the kids will help pass the time.

I now have a very mild taste of what my Mexican com padres must feel when they come up here for months on end.

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